Wish List
Community Harvest takes pride in being responsible stewards of the gifts it receives. We always strive to make the best use of given resources, however when there is a need within the food bank that must be taken care of, resolving that need means less that we can use to combat hunger. We can counteract this by making a wish list. A wish list allows our great supporters to donate item(s) that we are in need of, which in turn helps cover that need rather than tapping into our general funds.
Our current wish list consists of meeting the needs of our generous volunteers:
Our Amazon Wishlist: https://a.co/ck0Yu5w
Your contribution, be it items or donations, will be a vital part in alleviating hunger in our communities. If you can assist or know someone who can, please get in touch. Your continued support means the world to us.
Contact for Donations
Ship directly to us or drop off at 999 East Tillman Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816, Attention: (Select from below). Thank you!!
Volunteer Supplies: Please contact Mis Embury at 260.447.3696 x306 (jresler@communityharvest.org)
Food Donations: Please contact Tonya Young at 260.447.3696 x305 (tyoung@communityharvest.org)
Monetary Donations: Please contact Jennifer Brewer at 260.447.3696 x328 (jbrewer@communityharvest.org)
Thank you for being part of our community and supporting our mission.