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Community Harvest to Close at Noon Wednesday, 01/30/2019
ALERT: Due to extreme cold, Community Harvest will be closing at noon today. If you are in need of emergency food assistance, you will be able to come to our Tillman Road location until noon. Bring photo ID to receive a ten-pound bag of food and information about other available services. Thank you!

Community Harvest Farm Wagons, WEDNESDAY 2/19/2025 are OPEN! (Monroe and Huntington).
The Farm Wagons scheduled for Wednesday in Monroe and Huntington are OPEN. Please follow our social media pages for updates or check back here!

Martin Luther King Jr. Day
In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Community …

Community Harvest will Close 04/15/2022 for Good Friday
Community Harvest Food Bank will be closed for Good Friday on Friday, April 15, 2022. The food bank will resume its regular schedule on Saturday, April 16th. Friday, April 15th Community Harvest WILL BE OPEN for Saturday Helping Hands distribution on Saturday, April 16th

TIME CHANGE! St. Peter’s Farm Wagon will run 1:30p-2:30p on 1/19
Due to a scheduling conflict, our farm wagon at St. Peter’s Catholic Church on Friday, 1/19, will run from 1:30p-2:30p.
Summer Campaign Benefiting Kids Hunger Kicks off for Kroger, First Federal Bank, and Community Harvest Food Bank
Beginning Thursday, June 14th, people around Fort Wayne can participate in ending childhood hunger. Fewer kids and teens will have to worry where their next meal is coming from, thanks to the second annual Kids BackPack campaign in partnership with Kroger, First Federal Bank, and Community Harvest Food Bank. Donations between June 14th and July…