Huntington Farm Wagon CANCELED 1/17/24
Thank you for your understanding during these frigid temps.
Thank you for your understanding during these frigid temps.
Community Harvest Food Bank will be closed for Good Friday on Friday, April 15, 2022. The food bank will resume its regular schedule on Saturday, April 16th. Friday, April 15th Community Harvest WILL BE OPEN for Saturday Helping Hands distribution on Saturday, April 16th
Grains of Hope is a collaborative initiative with Northeastern Indiana craft breweries to …
Please note: We will be closed on Friday, April 19th for the Easter holiday. We will reopen on Saturday, April 20th for our Saturday Helping Hands distribution and Community Cupboard pantry, and reopen with normal business hours on Monday, April 22nd. We apologize for any inconvenience!
Celebrate Freedom Day with Community Harvest Food Bank…
This includes the cancellation of all Monday Farm Wagons. Our normal business hours will resume Tuesday, May 28th.
Due to the unsafe heat index later this week, the following farm wagon programs will be