Turkey Rally 2024!

Turkey Rally 2024!

Click Here to Donate Securely Online IT’S TURKEY TIME! Each year, Community Harvest rallies the community for our year’s largest holiday food and fund drive. With your donation, we can provide holiday meals to kids, seniors, Veterans, and families right here in northeast Indiana. WHENThursday, November 21, 2024, 8:00 AM-6:00 PM WHEREDonations can be made…

Get Ready for #UCanCrushHunger 2024! October 28 through November 8

Get Ready for #UCanCrushHunger 2024! October 28 through November 8

FINAL WEIGH-IN RESULTS! Our final weigh-in at all participating schools is now complete, and we have exciting news to share! As of Monday, November 11th, a whopping 123,034 pounds of food have been raised toward our overall goal of 125,000 pounds! The competition ended Friday, November 8th. Huntington University, Indiana Tech, Indiana University Fort Wayne, Ivy Tech,…

Fight Hunger. Spark Change. 2024
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Fight Hunger. Spark Change. 2024

Fight Hunger, Spark Change is launching its 11th annual campaign April 1 – April 29, 2024. Walmart and Sam’s Club are coming together with their supplier partners, customers, members, associates, and Feeding America® partner food banks for the 11th annual Fight Hunger. Spark Change. campaign to help fight hunger in communities nationwide. There are 3…