About Us

Community Harvest Food Bank is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization operating in the state of Indiana and is a proud regional member of both Feeding America and Indiana’s State Association of Food Banks.
Our mission
Community Harvest seeks to alleviate hunger through the full use of donated food and other resources.
Our Vision
Community Harvest Food Bank seeks to be a dynamic, responsive, and charitable leader in the effort to alleviate hunger and its causes in our service area.
Our Organization
Community Harvest Food Bank was established in 1983 in response to the closure of the International Harvester plant that sent tens of thousands into unemployment. Social service agencies, churches, and faith-based organizations were overwhelmed with requests for assistance and people were finding it difficult to feed their families. During the first year of operation, Community Harvest distributed 200,000 pounds of food to the hungry. In 1983, the food bank became incorporated as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. By 1985, Community Harvest distributed its first million pounds of food. Today, we are the regional food bank for northeast Indiana, proudly serving the counties of Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Huntington, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, Wells, and Whitley.